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Apple applies app rules to allow users to make in-app purchases.

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Just in time for the holidays, Apple has added a new gift option that lets you give the gift of in-app purchases to your friends and family.In an update to the App Store guidelines, the tech giant announced that "apps" - or app developers - are authorized to allow iOS users to purchase in-app goods for each other. This includes both current subscriptions and one-off gifts.Apple's earlier policy did not allow such gifts. For the first time seen on Wednesday by MacRumors, the language is under the Payments section of the guidelines: "Apps can allow the gift of items eligible for in-app purchase to others, which can only be refunded to the original purchaser and may not be refunded.

The previous wording stated: "Apps may not allow gifting of content, functions or consumables directly or indirectly for in-app purchases to others," MacRumors said. However, the iPhone maker does not provide insight into how the integration of internal content-gifting works. 

If you want to give a non-free app to someone right now, tap the blue and white icon with the three points next to the app's price. You will then be asked to send the app to the recipient by e-mail.The latest move from Apple can really benefit gamers who use in-app currency, such as "Fortnite" V-Bucks. Users can also donate premium content, such as locked photo filters and free app upgrades.

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