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Identity check comes to the security of Android smartphones

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Identity check comes to the security of Android smartphones
Android smartphone security comes with Identity Check-
Google has introduced a new feature called 'Identity Check' to strengthen the security of Android devices. The new facility will mandate biometric authentication technology in smartphone security using sensitive settings. That is, if 'Identity Check' is on, the user will need to verify his identity through fingerprint or facial recognition to use certain important facilities.

According to Google, when the new feature is enabled, biometric verification will be required to view saved passwords and passkeys from Google Password Manager and auto-fill passwords in apps other than the Chrome browser.Apart from this, biometric verification is also required to disable any anti-theft feature such as PIN, pattern or password change, change of screen lock type, fingerprint or facial recognition-related information, device factory reset, turning off the 'Find My Device' facility.

Similar security measures will apply to reviewing the list of trusted locations, turning off the 'Identity Check' feature, setting up a new device, adding or deleting a Google Account, and turning on developer options.

Google said the new feature will make users' Google Accounts more secure. As a result, no unauthorized person can use the smartphone. The feature will initially be available on select models running Android 15 version of Google's Pixel phones and Samsung Galaxy One UI 7.

Source: The Hacker News

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How to do a security check on an Android phone? , What security do Android phones have? , What is Android safety check? , How do I check Security on Android? , What is the Security of Android OS? , এন্ড্রয়েড ফোনের নিরাপত্তা?

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