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New York Style Baked Cheesecake Secret Recipe

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New York Style Baked Cheesecake Secret Recipe
New York Style Baked Cheesecake Recipe-
Required Ingredients:
1. Digestive biscuits 80 grams.
2. 40 grams of butter.

3. Cream cheese 225 grams.
4. Icing sugar-60 grams.
5. Dano Sower Cream 100 grams.
6. 1 egg.
7. Egg yolk-1.
8. Flour- 1 tablespoon.
9. Vanilla essence-1/2 tbsp.
10. Vinegar- 1/2 tbsp.
11. Cheesecake pan - 9"

Method of preparation: First I mix the vinegar into the sour cream. In another bowl, cool the mented butter and mix it with the digestive biscuit powder and bake in the cheesecake pan at 140 degree oven for 10 minutes. If you bake for more than 10 minutes, it will burn. Then beat the cheese and icing sugar on medium speed of the mixer for about 2 minutes. Then beat for 30 seconds with sour cream mixed with vinegar. 

Beat 1 egg for 5 seconds.Then beat again with egg yolk for 5 seconds. Then beat for 5 seconds with vanilla essence. At the end, I will mix with the help of spatula with flour. Then pour the batter over the baked digest biscuits in a tray in the oven and bake in boiling hot water at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Then bake again at 150 degrees for 30 minutes. After baking, leave it in the oven for 1 hour to cool. Then take the cheesecake out of the mold.

Post tags:
Easy new york style baked cheesecake recipe , New York cheesecake , Best New York cheesecake recipe , Philadelphia classic New York cheesecake recipe , Best new york style baked cheesecake recipe , Best baked cheesecake recipe ever , What is the difference between New York cheesecake and baked cheesecake? , Is original cheesecake the same as New York style? , Is cheesecake better baked or unbaked? , New York baked cheesecake , Easy baked cheesecake recipe , Baked cheesecake recipe Jamie Oliver , Original cheesecake recipe , Baked cheesecake recipe Mary Berry , Philadelphia cheesecake recipe , Easy new york style baked cheesecake recipe , New york style baked cheesecake recipe no bake , Best new york style baked cheesecake recipe , What is the difference between New York Cheesecake and baked cheesecake? , Is original cheesecake the same as New York style? , Is cheesecake better baked or unbaked? , আসল চিজকেক কি নিউইয়র্ক স্টাইলের মতো? , আসল চিজকেক কি নিউইয়র্ক স্টাইলের মতো?

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