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Original Red Velvet Cake Secret Recipe

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Original Red Velvet Cake Secret Recipe
Red Velvet Cake Recipe: (2 pounds / 900 grams)
1. Dano cream 50 grams.
2. Vinegar 1 tablespoon liquid milk-50 ml.
3. Vanilla essence 1 teaspoon red color- 1.5 tablespoon.
4. Coffee powder 1 teaspoon.
5. Butter 50 grams.
6. Sugar = 150 grams.
7. Egg-1 pice.
8. Flour = 150 grams.
9. Cocoa powder = 8 grams.
10. Baking powder = 1 teaspoon.
11. Baking soda 1/2 teaspoon.
12. Salt- 1 pinch.
13. Cake mold = 2 in 6" or 1 in 8".

Cream Cheese Frosting: (for 2 pound cake) 
1. Cream cheese - 300 grams.
2. Whipped cream-450 gms.
Sugar syrup:
1. Water/ Milk-300 ml.
2. Sugar-120 grams.
Bake for 30-40 minutes in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for 10 minutes.

Preparation method:
First, mix 50 grams of sour cream with 1 teaspoon of white vinegar and make sour cream. It cannot be saved. Make it and use it. I will use it as a shaving cream. Then sift all the dry ingredients and keep aside. In another bowl add sour cream/ vinegar/ milk/ vanilla essence/ coffee powder. I will mix red color. In another bowl, beat the butter and sugar on medium speed until pale and fluffy. When it becomes white, without pouring the sugar at all, I will beat it little by little on medium speed until the sugar dissolves. Now beat the liquid mixer at low speed of the beater for 15 seconds. 

Now sift the dry ingredients 2/3 times and mix it slowly with a spatula using the folding method. Remember not to mix too vigorously. Then the foam of the egg will decrease. Pour the batter into the mold and tap it 2/3 times. Swirl the batter with a cake tester to pop the bubbles in the cake. Then bake.

Post tags:
Red velvet cake , Chocolate cake , Vanilla cake , Carrot cake , Black Forest gateau , Strawberry cake , Sponge Cake , Cake , Best red velvet cake recipe , Original red velvet cake recipe , Simple red velvet cake recipe , Moist red velvet cake recipe , Red velvet cake recipe eggless , What is red velvet cake made of? , What is the secret of red velvet cake? , Is red velvet cake just chocolate cake but red? , Red velvet cake recipe Mary Berry , Red velvet cake recipe with oil , Red velvet cake recipe without buttermilk , Red velvet cake recipe Jamie Oliver , Red velvet cake ingredients , 1 kg red velvet cake ingredients , red velvet cake slice square , red velvet cupcake without frosting , elegant red velvet cake designs , red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting , How was red velvet cake originally made? , What makes real red velvet cake red? , What gives red velvet cake its unique flavor? , রেড ভেলভেট কেক লাল হয় কি করে? , রেড ভেলভেট কেকের রহস্য কি?

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