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Food & Recipes

Black Forest Cake Home Made Secret Recipe

Black Forest Cake Secret Recipe- Required Ingredients: 1. 1000 grams (2 pounds/1 kg). 2. Eggs = 4. 3. Sugar = 100 grams. 4. Chocolate emulsion = 1 te…

Rasmalai Cake Secret Recipe

Rasmalai Cake Recipe- Required Ingredients: 1. 750 grams (1.5 pounds). 2. Eggs = 2 3. Sugar = 1/4 cup. 4. Melted butter- 2 tbsp. New York Style Baked…

New York Style Baked Cheesecake Secret Recipe

New York Style Baked Cheesecake Recipe- Required Ingredients: 1. Digestive biscuits 80 grams. 2. 40 grams of butter. Secret recipe for making chocola…

Original Red Velvet Cake Secret Recipe

Red Velvet Cake Recipe: (2 pounds / 900 grams) 1. Dano cream 50 grams. 2. Vinegar 1 tablespoon liquid milk-50 ml. 3. Vanilla essence 1 teaspoon red c…

Strawberry Sponge Cake Secret Recipe

Strawberry Sponge Cake Recipe- 1.500 grams (1 pound/half kg). 2. Eggs = 2. 3. Sugar = 50 grams. 4. Strawberry emulsion = 1 teaspoon. 5.Strawberry red…

Secret recipe for making chocolate sponge cake at home

Chocolate sponge cake secret recipe- 1.1000 g (2 lb/ 1 kg) eggs = 4 2. Sugar = 100 grams. 3. Chocolate emulsion = 1 teaspoon. 4. Flour = 80 grams. 5.…

Blueberry Sponge Cake Easy Recipe

Blueberry Sponge Cake Recipe- 1.500 g (1 lb/half kg) eggs = 2. 2. Sugar = 50 grams. 3. Blueberry emulsion = 1 teaspoon. 4.Purple food color-1/2 drop …

Easy Recipe of Vanilla Sponge Cake

Vanilla Sponge Cake Easy Recipe- For 500 grams (1 pound/ half kg): Whatever is required- 1. Eggs = 2 2. Sugar = 50 grams. 3. Half of vanilla essence …

The Best Vanilla Pound Cake Recipe

Vanilla Pound Cake Recipe- কেক কার না পছন্দ? আর সেটি যদি হয় ভেনিলা পাউন্ড কেক তাহলে তো কোন কথাই নেই। আমরা অনেকেই হোম মেড কেক পছন্দ করি। অনলাইনে বিভি…

How to easily make the best yogurt at home

How to make yogurt at home ( ঘরে বসে খুব সহজেই বানিয়ে ফেলুন সুস্বাদু দই) - দই খেতে কার না ভালোলাগে। দইয়ের কথা মাথায় আসলেই আমাদের মনে পড়ে বগুড়ার …
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